The following materials are grouped by Program. They have been designed with potential homebuyers as the intended audience. Some materials are available in multiple languages. All contain embedded text fields to allow you to type in your contact information.
Click on the links below to view and/or download files. Please note that if you are having trouble typing in the embedded text fields, try downloading the PDF to your computer first, then opening and typing in it.
Below are GSFA's marketing guidelines for marketing and promoting the GSFA homeownership programs.
Click on the tabs below to display contents.
Many mortgage professionals choose to design their own marketing literature, advertisements, and news articles.
As long as you are approved by GSFA as a Participating Lender for the Program you are promoting OR you are a real estate professional working closely with a GSFA Participating Lender, we encourage you to do so.
What we ask is that you represent the GSFA Homeownership Programs with accuracy and abide by all applicable state and federal laws.
Here are a few quick tips to help you make your print media more effective:
A huge part of the buying process in general centers around the concept of "value" - what the product or service will do for the consumer. Communicate that. Speak in a language that is familiar to the audience, avoiding mortgage terminology they might not understand. Use headlines, subheads, and bullet points, all elements that can help your reader quickly identify how and what your product or service will do for them.